
GoldChess Tournament


GoldChess Tournament:

Indian Chess School takes pleasure in inviting the players (with a valid FIDE ID) for a unique tournament by GoldChess ( on 11 March 2017 at 20.00 hours at Don Bosco High School, Off. Link Road, Borivali (West), Mumbai - 400091.

The GoldChess representative for this tournament is Grandmaster Jacek Stopa and the brand ambassador is Grandmaster Vidit Gujrathi

Before we go into the criteria and conditions for participants, let us learn more about GoldChess.

What is Goldchess?

Goldchess is about winning chess games starting from a given position, in the way specified by the Organizer. The participants play against an educational chess program, which plays on an amateur level.

You can get more info by having a look at the article published in Chessbase India:

The eligibility and conditions for participation are as under:
1) The event is open for only 100 players on 'First-Come' basis.
2) Registration can be confirmed by SMS/WhatsApp on my mobile: + 91 - 9820 547 548. The player is required to text the following details:
a) Name
b) FIDE ID (Compulsory)
c) FIDE Rating/Title, if any
3) The entry fee for participation is Rs.500/- to be paid at the spot.
4) Each player is required to bring his/her Laptop.
5) They are required to download the Goldchess software

Once the SMS/WhatsApp message is received, I would be giving confirmation with a registration number.

The last date of registration is 10th of March 2017 or 100 entries, whichever is earlier

Each of the participant are required to report by 7 pm at the venue with their laptop.

The prize fund of the tournament depends on the number of participants! More the number, higher the prize fund!

Here are the details:
76 - 100 Players and above: INR Equivalent to US $ 1750
51 - 75 Players: INR Equivalent to US $ 1000
26 - 50 Players: INR Equivalent to US $ 500

The prizes would be awarded to top three players. It's your move!

Winner of Goldchess tournament Mumbai March 2017

Winner of Goldchess tournament Mumbai March 2017, 12-year old Krish Butala, rating 1363 ELO!
Great congratulations!