General rules of and GoldChess games rules website rules and regulations

Than you for visiting our website made available at referred to as: “”, “Website”).

These rules and regulations stipulate the general terms and principles of using the Website, and in particular the terms and principles of using electronic services available on the Website.

If you decide to use, these terms and regulations will govern in particular the use of the Website, including our responsibility.

We encourage you to read these rules and regulations and to use our services.
the Goldchess Team


  1. The Website is owned by the GLOBAL GUMPTION GAME KASZCZYNIEC SPÓŁKA KOMANDYTOWA (a limited partnership) with its registered office in Przecław (visiting address and address for correspondence: Przecław 150, 72-005 Przecław); entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS No. 0000390228; registry court where the company documents have been filed: Regional Court Szczecin - Centrum in Szczecin. 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; NIP (tax identification number): 8513152452, REGON (statistical number): 321065896, e-mail: (hereinafter referred to as: “Service Provider”).
  2. The provisions of these Rules and Regulations are not intended to exclude or limit any rights of consumers (or other natural persons to whom regulations concerning consumers apply) which they enjoy pursuant to mandatory laws – any possible doubts should be resolved in a manner favorable to the consumer. Should there be a discrepancy between the provisions of these Rules and Regulations and the laws referred to above, the said laws shall prevail.
  3. The following terms used herein have the meanings ascribed to them below:
    1. RULES AND REGULATIONS– these Website rules and regulations.
    2. WEBSITE, GOLDCHESS.COM – a website run by the Service Provider and available at, including subdomains.
    3. ELECTRONIC SERVICE – a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient through the Website, in accordance with these Rules and Regulations.
    4. SERVICE RECIPIENT– any natural person who uses or intends to use the Website, who has full capacity to act, and in the situations provided for in generally applicable regulations, also a limited capacity to act. As regards individuals without capacity to act (e.g. children), their statutory agent (guardian) is the Service Recipient..
    5. SERVICE PROVIDER, SELLER, ORGANIZER– the GLOBAL GUMPTION GAME KASZCZYNIEC SPÓŁKA KOMANDYTOWA (a limited partnership) with its registered office in Przecław (visiting address and address for correspondence: Przecław 150, 72-005 Przecław); entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS No. 0000390228; registry court where the company documents have been filed: Regional Court Szczecin - Centrum in Szczecin. 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; NIP (tax identification number): 8513152452, REGON (statistical number): 321065896, e-mail:
    6. ACCOUNT– an Electronic Service, a marked with an individual name (login) and password provided by the Service Recipient set of functionalities and resources in the information and communications technology system of in which the data of the Service Recipient and information on the actions taken by the Service Recipient on the Website is collected.
    7. CUSTOMER– Service Recipient who enters or intends to enter into a Contract of Sale with the Seller.
    8. CONTRACT OF SALE– a contract of Product sale entered into between the Customer and the Seller via the Website.
    9. PRODUCT– digital content available on the Website, which is provided in an electronic form for reproduction on a suitable electronic device and constitutes the subject of the Contract of Sale.
    10. ORDER – a declaration of the Customer’s intent made via the Website and intended directly at entering into the Contract of Sale with the Seller.
    11. PARTICIPANT– a Service Recipient who takes or intends to take part in the Game.
    12. GAME– a virtual game of chess held on the Website by the Organizer, enabling Users to win Prizes
    13. PRIZE– a money prize paid by the Organizer to the Participant who achieves the best score in a Game in accordance with these Rules and Regulations and with the Rules of the Game.
    14. RULES OF THE GAME– detailed information on the conditions of a Participant’s participation in the Game and on the method of playing individual games established by the Organizer for each Game and available on the Website pages.
    15. ENTRY FEE– a fee paid by the Participant to the Organizer in exchange for enabling the Participant to take part in the Game.


  1. The Service Provider is responsible for due provision of Electronic Services and of the other functionalities of the Website. The Service Provider does not provide to the Service Recipients any services other than the Electronic Services specified herein.
  2. The Website enables placing Orders for Products, which are made available by the Seller against payment. If that is the case, the Seller shall supply Products that are free of defects and are in conformity with the terms of the Contract of Sale entered into with the Customer.
  3. On the Website, the Game is also held, in which all the Service Recipients who meet the requirements specified in these Rules and Regulations and in the Rules of the Game may take part. The Organizer is responsible for correct course of the Game, for determination of the winner within the prescribed time limit, and for handing over the promised Prize in accordance with these Rules and Regulations and with the Rules of the Game.
  4. Apart from the Service Provider, the Website is used also by Service Recipients. The Service Recipients are third parties independent of the Service Provider, who can use the provided Electronic Services in accordance with the principles specified in these Rules and Regulations, provide information concerning themselves, take part in the Game, place orders and enter into Contracts of Sale via


  1. The Service Recipient shall use the Website in conformity with its designed purpose, theme and these Rules and Regulations, and in particular in accordance with the applicable laws, standards of society and rules of decency, while respecting personal rights, copyrights and intellectual property rights held by the Service Provider, other Service Recipients and third parties. The Service Recipient shall input only true data on the Website. The Service Recipient shall not submit any illegal content.
  2. The Service Provider is not obliged to monitor the content submitted by the Service Recipients to and published by the Service Recipients on the Website. The Service Provider shall take no responsibility for data published by the Service Recipients on the Website if the Service Provider has no knowledge of the illegal character of such data or of activities related thereto. If the Service Provider receives an official notification or obtains reliable information on the illegal character of such data or of activities related thereto, the Service Provider shall immediately prevent access to such data.
  3. The Service Provider shall exercise due diligence in order to update and verify the veracity of the presented data. Nevertheless, the Service Provider does not guarantee that the data published by the Service Recipients on the Website is up to date and reliable. The Service Provider shall take no responsibility for such data being outdated, which shall not affect the responsibility of the Service Provider towards the Service Recipient who is a consumer (or another natural person to whom regulations concerning consumers apply), as provided for in mandatory law.
  4. The Service Provider makes due efforts to make the use of understandable and transparent to the Service Recipients. However, the Service Provider cannot guarantee that a Service Recipient will be able to use the Electronic Services on his/her own or that the Electronic Services will prove useful for achieving the goals planned to be achieved by the Service Recipient. In particular, the Service Provider does not guarantee to the Service Recipient that the Service Recipient will be able to play the Game or that the Service Recipient will win a Prize. The Service Provider makes available ‘as is’, and makes no express or implied representations as to its fitness for specific purpose, which does not exclude or limit the responsibility of the Service Provider towards the Service Recipient who is a consumer (or another natural person to whom regulations concerning consumers apply) for undue provision of service, as provided for in mandatory law.
  5. Technical requirements for use of the information and communications technology system of (1) access to a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone, and to the Internet; (2) access to electronic mail; (3) web browser in a currently supported version: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge; (4) cookies and Javascript enabled in the web browser.
  6. The Service Provider informs that certain risks are associated with the use of the Website on the Internet. The main threat to each Internet user, including users of Electronic Services, is a possibility of having the information and communications technology system infected by various malicious software, including in particular computer viruses such as worms or Trojan horses. In order to avoid such threats, it is important for the Service Recipient to install an antivirus program on the device used for connecting to the Internet, and to keep it updated at all times.
  7. The controller of the personal data processed by the Website in relation to the performance of the provisions hereof is the Service Provider. The personal data are processed for the purposes, for the period, on the bases and in accordance with the principles specified in the privacy policy published on the Website. The privacy policy contains first of all the rules of processing personal data by the Personal Data Controller on the Website, including the bases for personal data processing, the purposes and period of personal data processing, the rights of the data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools on the Website. The use of the Website is voluntary. Similarly, the related provision of personal data by the person using the Website is voluntary, subject to the exceptions specified in the privacy policy (use of the Electronic Services, entering into a Contract of Sale, and statutory obligations of the Service Provider).


  1. In order to use most of the functionalities offered by, including participation in the Game, the Service Recipient needs to create an Account.
  2. The Account Electronic Service is provided free of charge for an indefinite time, with the reservation that participation in the Game may be chargeable in accordance with the rules stipulated hereinafter.
  3. In order to use the Account, the Service Recipient needs to take the following three steps – (1) complete an interactive registration form and (2) click the “Register” field – when the field is clicked, a contract for the use of the Account is entered into between the Service Recipient and the Service Provider. The Service Recipient needs to provide in the registration form the following data concerning the Service Recipient: full name, year of birth, country of residence, e-mail address, chess skill level (amateur / professional), name (login) and password.
  4. In order to use the Account and its particular functionalities, the Service Recipient may be required to provide also other data – information on the scope of required data will be in each case provided on a Website page before the relevant functionality is used.
  5. The Service Recipient shall update his/her data provided for the Account whenever such data is changed.
  6. The Service Recipient shall not make the data enabling access to the Account available to third parties. The Service Recipient shall not grant access to the Account to other persons, also through renting or lending the Account for use.
  7. The Service Recipient may hold on the Website only one Account at a time.
  8. The Service Provider reserves the right to remove the Service Recipient’s Account in a situation where, despite an admonition from the Service Provider stating the reason therefor:
    1. The Service Recipient breaches these Rules and Regulations, the Rules of the Game, or tournament rules and regulations;
    2. The Service Recipient remains in arrears with any payment to the Service Provider;
    3. The Service Recipient publishes on the Website (also in the form of computer files, pictures or other visual materials) any content infringing these Rules and Regulations or the applicable laws, including content constituting an advertisement, an announcement or commercial information that encourages the use of websites competing with the Website, including also webpage addresses, names and logos;
    4. The actions taken by the Service Recipient tarnish the reputation of the Service Provider or of the Website;
    5. The Service Recipient uses the Game in a manner inconsistent with its designed purpose and with the Rules of the Game;
    6. The Service Recipient places Orders for a purpose other than entering into a Contract of Sale with the Seller.
  9. The Service Recipient may quit using the Account at any time and without specifying any reason, by means of sending a relevant request to the Service Provider, particularly by e-mail to the following address: The Service Provider will remove the Account immediately. After the Account is removed, it will be impossible to log in the Account and to use the functionalities provided by the Account.
  10. Removing the Service Recipient’s Account in any manner will result in deletion of all the data assigned to the Account, with the reservation that this shall not breach the possibility to store the Service Recipient’s data for the period required for the completion of the other (than maintaining the Account) purposes of processing which are in conformity with the privacy policy applicable to the Website.
  11. All the content and data placed by the Service Recipients on Website pages or sent via the Website shall be reliable and true, and shall reflect the actual intent of the Service Recipient. It is prohibited to place content which would infringe the netiquette principles or which would contain information that is untrue or could mislead the Service Provider or third parties, or contains advertisements, or directly or indirectly promotes other webpages.


  1. Participation in the Game is enabled against payment, except for Games for which it has been clearly stated that Participants can take part in such Games free of charge.
  2. In order to take part in the Game, the Service Recipient needs to take all of the following three steps – (1) log in the Account on the Website, (2) select the Game available on the Website, and (3) pay the Entry Fee or enroll for the Game without paying the Entry Fee if participation in the Game is possible free of charge – at this moment the Participant is enrolled for the Game.
  3. The Entry Fee amounts shown on the pages are denominated in US dollars (USD). Information on the total amount of the Entry Fee required for participation in the Game, including also any possible miscellaneous charges, and where the amount of such charges cannot be specified – on the obligation to pay such charges, shall in each case be provided to the Participant on the webpages, also at the time of expressing intent to enroll for the Game.
  4. The Entry Fee may be paid with the use of online payments or payments made with payment cards that are processed via the website (for currently available payment methods, see The Participant shall be enrolled for the Game on the condition that the Participant makes payment immediately after the Participant is redirected to the electronic payment gateway, not later however, than before the commencement of the Game for which the Participant intends to enroll.
  5. Unless stipulated otherwise, it is assumed that the Entry Fee is an one-off fee and enables the Participant to enroll for a single game planned for the nearest future.Detailed information on participation in the Game, rules that govern the solving of chess problems, and the methods of determining the winners shall in each case be specified in the Rules of the Game established by the Organizer for a given Game.
  6. A Participant who did not take part in the Game although he or she had enrolled for it shall not be entitled to Entry Fee reimbursement, unless the impossibility to participate in the Game occurred for reasons attributable to the Organizer.
  7. By enrolling for the Game the Participant accepts the fact that some of his/her personal data (full name, login) may become publicly available to the other visitors of through lists of winners and ranking lists of Participants, which are published on the Website pages after the Game ends.
  8. Upon enrollment for the Game, the Participant receives access, from his/her Account level, to the contents of the problem, which means specified by the Organizer requirements that must be met for the problem to be solved correctly as a part of the Game.


  1. Unless the Rules of the Game established by the Organizer stipulate otherwise, the course of the Game shall be as specified in this Section 6. of the Rules and Regulations.
  2. Each Game requires the Participant to correctly solve the problem, that is to checkmate or to win the game in a defined number of moves and in the manner specified by the Organizer. In each Game there is a time limit for solving the problem by the Participants.
  3. A problem can be solved with the use of the CEEC (Chess Elite Educational Computer) application made available by the Organizer for downloading free of charge from the Website pages. The Participant shall install the application, following instructions from the Organizer, on a terminal device that meets the minimum technical requirements specified for the application.
  4. A recorded solution to a (in the form of a file generated by CEEC) shall be submitted as soon as possible to via the Participant’s Account.
  5. Solving a problem requires downloading a file with the problem and opening it with CEEC. The Participant shall not change the CEEC settings, and in particular the playing strength. CEEC offers 23 playing strength levels – all the Participants shall choose level 5.
  6. Having solved the problem, the Participant shall submit to, via his/her Account, a CEEC file with the saved solution. A problem can be solved after the game for which the Participant enrolled has started.
  7. If no Participant solves the problem within the specified time limit, the Organizer may replace the problem or transfer it to the next game. If that is the case, the Organizer may also increase the Prize amount for the next game.
  8. The Organizer shall check the correctness of solutions to chess problems in the order of their submissions, within no more than 48 hours from the time of submission. The winners shall be announced no later than by the end of Saturday in each week.
  9. Depending on the number of Participants who enrolled for a given Game, the Organizer may decrease the Prize amounts or cancel the game. If the game is cancelled, the Organizer shall immediately reimburse the Participants who paid the Entry Fee.
  10. Rejection of a solution submitted by a Participant – a submitted solution may be rejected in the following cases: (1) where the time limit set by the Organizer has been exceeded, or (2) where the Organizer proves variation improvement by means of a test or shortens the submitted solution by a move.
  11. The Organizer may reject submitted solutions for which positions were downloaded with a significant delay or after the end of a given Game.


  1. Prizes shall be won by the Participants who meet the terms and conditions specified in the Rules of the Game. A Prize shall be awarded in particular to the Participant who is the first one to save in his/her Account on a correct solution to a problem in the Game.
  2. The Prize amount due to the winning Participant shall be transferred to the bank account or account specified by the Participant.
  3. The Prize amount shown on a Website page is denominated in US dollars (USD) and is a gross amount.
  4. The Prize shall be paid to the Participant as a net amount after all the deductions required under the tax laws applicable in the jurisdiction where the registered office of the Organizer is situated (that is 10% tax on winnings), within up to 7 business days from the announcement of the winner of the Game.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right not to pay the Prize amount to the Participant who was the first to submit a solution to a problem published on if the Participant fabricated the solution. A solution shall be deemed to have been fabricated in a situation where the Participant has included in the file with the solution submitted to a CEEC move different than the one actually made by the application in the course of solving the problem. If that is the case, the Prize shall be awarded to the Participant who was the next to submit a correct solution to the problem.
  6. If a Participant submits a solution that consists of the required number of moves, but differs from the solution presented by the author of a given problem, and a verification (understood as testing the authenticity of CEEC moves provided by the Participant on several independent computers) shows that in a given position CEEC may play in alternative ways and makes alternately two different moves in defense, in order to receive the Prize the Participant shall submit both solutions consisting of two variants with the required numbers of moves.
  7. The Organizer may decide about distribution of a Prize to two Participants of whom one submitted a solution different from the one presented by the author of a given problem, and the other one submitted a solution identical with the one presented by the author of a given problem.
  8. If no player submits a solution identical with the one presented by the author of a given problem, the Organizer may award a Prize in an amount determined by the Organizer to the Participant who is the first to submit another solution with the same or a smaller number of moves.
  9. The Organizer may reject a submitted solution to a problem for which the initial position was downloaded later than within the first minute from the commencement of the Game.


  1. The Seller shall inform the Customer on the main features and characteristics of the Product no later than upon expression by the Customer of his/her intent to be bound by a Contract of Sale.
  2. The Product prices shown on Website pages are denominated in US dollars (USD) and are gross amounts. Information on the total price provided for in the Contract of Sale, including due taxes, costs of delivery (if any), as well as other charges and their amounts, and where the amount of such charges cannot be specified – information on the obligation to pay them, shall in each case be provided to the Customer in a clear and understandable manner in the course of the Order placement procedure, including the moment of expressing intent to be bound by the Contract of Sale.
  3. A Contract of Sale is entered into by and between the Customer and the Seller after the Customer has placed an Order.
  4. The Order placement procedure commences when the Customer adds the first Product to an electronic cart on the Website. An Order is placed when the Customer takes the following two steps – (1) completes an interactive form and (2) moves to an electronic payment gateway – there is also a possibility to modify the entered data (to do so, the Customer needs to proceed in accordance with the displayed messages and the information available on the Website). The Customer shall provide in the form the following data concerning the Customer: full name, address (street, building/apartment number, postal code, city/town), e-mail address, telephone number for contact and data concerning the Sales of Contract entered into: Product(s), quantity of Product(s), delivery method and address (if applicable) and payment method.
  5. An Order shall be placed if the Customer makes payment immediately after being redirected to an electronic payment gateway. Otherwise, for technical reasons, the Customer who still has the intent to purchase the Product shall recommence the Order placement procedure.
  6. After the Order is placed, the Seller shall immediately confirm its reception and at the same time shall take the Order. The reception and taking of an Order are confirmed with a relevant e-mail message sent by the Seller to the Customer’s e-mail address specified during the Order placement procedure, containing at least Seller’s declarations on Order reception and taking, and confirmation of having entered into the Contract of Sale. Upon reception by the Customer of the Seller’s declaration on Order taking, a Contract of Sale is entered into by the Customer and the Seller.
  7. The contents of the Contract of Sale entered into are recorded, secured and made available to the Customer by means of (1) making these Rules and Regulations available on a Website page, and (2) sending to the Customer the e-mail message referred to in item 8.3 hereof. The contents of the Contract of Sale are additionally recorded and secured in the information and communications technology system of


  1. The Seller enables the Customer to make payments under the Contract of Sale by means of electronic payments or payment card cleared via the or website – information on currently available payment methods can be found on the following webpages: and
  2. The Product is delivered to the Customer free of charge, unless the Contract of Sale stipulates otherwise.
  3. The Seller shall deliver the Product to the Customer in an electronic form.
  4. The electronic form may mean (1) a computer file sent to the e-mail address specified by the Customer during the process of placing an Order for the Product, or (2) a unique link (URL) that enables saving the Product in the memory of the Customer’s terminal device. In the latter case the Seller recommends that the Customer should download the Product as soon as possible after having received the access link.
  5. A Product delivered in a digital form is designed for reading on an electronic device with the use of suitable software supporting a given file format.
  6. An electronic Product shall be sent to the Customer immediately, in each case not later than within 48 hours from the time when the Seller’s bank or clearing account is credited with the amount of the payment made by the Customer for the Order.


  1. This Section of the Rules and Regulations applies to Products which are works as defined in the copyright law, the copyrights for which are held by the Seller or by other third parties from which the Seller obtained the required under law permissions to trade in such works or their adaptations.
  2. The purpose of the following provisions of the Rules and Regulations is to specify the principles of granting by the Seller to the Customer licenses covering Products protected under the copyright law, to an extent required for use of the Product by the Customer.
  3. A Product which is a work, as defined in the copyright law, and is thus protected by copyright can be used by the Customer only for the Customer’s own, non-money making purposes, within the scope specified in these Rules and Regulations and in the copyright law.
  4. Subject to the exceptions provided for in mandatory regulations, including in particular the regulation applicable to allowed use, the Customer shall not make the Product available to third parties or use it for money-making purposes.
  5. For the avoidance of doubt, it is assumed that the Customer is not granted any copyright to the purchased Product. Upon the making of payment for the Order, the Customer is granted a non-exclusive, non-negotiable, non-transferable license to use the Product, which does not include the right to sublicense (or the right to authorize other persons to use the contents within the scope of the granted license), and which covers the right to use the author’s economic rights without limitation as to the territory or time, within the following fields of exploitation: (1) multiple downloading of the Product and recording it with the use of digital technologies in computer memory; (2) permanent or temporary multiplication of the Product in its entirety or in part with the use of digital technologies, within the scope in which the Product needs to be multiplied for the purpose of displaying, playing or storing the Product; (3) permanent or temporary displaying, playing or storage of the Product with the use of digital technologies. The seller reserves any and all rights, except for those referred to above, which have not been expressly granted to the Customer. In particular, the Customer is not authorized to (1) distribute the Product, which includes renting the Product or its copies; (2) sublicense the Product (which includes the right to authorize third parties to use the Product), and (3) market the Product, which includes lending for use or renting.


The main forms of remote on-line communication with the Service Provider are a technical support chat available on the Website and electronic mail: (e-mail:, with the use of which one can exchange with the Service Provider information on the use of the Website. The Service Recipients may contact the Service Provider also in other legitimate manners, using the contact data specified in the beginning part of these Rules and Regulations.


  1. The basis and scope of Service Provider’s responsibility towards the Service Recipient are as specified in the generally applicable laws.
  2. The Service Recipient may submit complaints concerning the operation of the Website or of the Electronic Services for example by means of sending an e-mail message to:
  3. The Service Provider recommends including the following information in the complaint message: (1) information and circumstances pertaining to the subject of complaint, including in particular irregularity type and date of occurrence; (2) expectations of the Service Recipient; and (3) contact data of the person submitting the complaint – this will facilitate and accelerate the process of handling the complaint. The information provided in the preceding sentence are recommendations only and shall not affect the validity of complaints submitted in a manner different than described above.
  4. The Service Provider will respond to the complaint immediately, not later than within 30 calendar days from the complaint submission date. If the Service Provider does not respond within the time limit specified above to a complaint submitted by a consumer, it means that the Service Provider has found the complaint to be justified.


  1. The basis and scope of Seller’s responsibility towards the Customer for physical or legal defects in the sold Product (statutory warranty) are as specified in the generally applicable laws.
  2. The Seller shall deliver to the Customer a Product that is free of defects.
  3. The Customer may submit complaints for example by means of sending an e-mail message to:
  4. It is recommended that the Customer should include the following information in the complaint message: (1) information and circumstances pertaining to the subject of complaint, including in particular defect type and date of occurrence; (2) demand regarding the method of bringing the Product to a state that is in conformity with the contract, or a declaration concerning price decrease or withdrawal from the contract; and (3) contact data of the person submitting the complaint – this will facilitate and accelerate the process of handling the complaint by the Seller. The information provided in the preceding sentence are recommendations only and shall not affect the validity of complaints submitted in a manner different than described above.
  5. The Service Provider will respond to the complaint submitted by the Customer immediately, not later than within 14 calendar days from the complaint submission date. If a Customer who is a consumer exercises his/her rights arising from statutory warranty and demands that the sold thing be replaced or defect be removed, or makes a declaration concerning price decrease and specifies the amount by which the price should be decreased, and the Seller fails to respond to such a demand within 14 calendar days, it should be deemed that the Seller has found the demand to be justified.
  6. The Seller’s responsibility under statutory warranty towards a Customer who is not a consumer is hereby excluded.


  1. This Section 14 of the Rules and Regulations and the provisions contained herein shall apply only to Service Recipients who are consumers (or other natural persons to whom regulations concerning consumers apply).
  2. The right to withdraw from a distance contract cannot be exercised by a consumer in respect of contracts (1) for provision of services if the entrepreneur fully rendered a service with an explicit permission from the consumer who was informed before the commencement of the provision of service that the consumer would forfeit the right to withdraw from the contract after provision of the service by the entrepreneur is completed; (2) for supply of digital contents not recorded on a material medium, if the provision of service commenced with an explicit permission from the consumer before the lapse of the time limit for withdrawal from the contract and after the consumer was informed by the entrepreneur on the forfeiture of the right to withdraw from the contract.
  3. Subject to the provisions of Section 14.2 of these Rules and Regulations, a consumer who executed a distance contract may withdraw from the contract within 14 calendar days without giving any reason and without incurring any cost, except for the costs referred to in the following sentence. As regards a service whose provision commenced – at a specific request from the consumer – before the lapse of the time limit for withdrawal from the contract, the consumer who exercises the right to withdraw from the contract after such a request was submitted shall pay for the service provided by the time of withdrawal from the contract. The amount to be paid shall be calculated proportionately to the scope of provided service, with the price or remuneration stipulated in the contract taken into account. If the price or remuneration is excessive, the basis for calculation of the amount shall be the market value of the provided service.
  4. The time limit for withdrawal from the contract shall start running:
    1. for a contract as a part of performance of which the entrepreneur delivers a thing while being obliged to transfer its ownership (e.g. Contract of Sale) – from the time when the consumer takes the possession of the thing, and in the case of a contract which: (1) covers multiple things delivered separately, in lots or in parts – from the time when the consumer takes the possession the last thing, lot or part, or which (2) provides for regular deliveries of things over a definite time – from the time when the consumer takes the possession of the first of them;
    2. for the other contracts (including contracts on provision of Electronic Services) – from the contract execution date.
  5. Sending a declaration before the lapse of the time limit for withdrawal from the contract shall be sufficient for meeting the said time limit. A declaration on withdrawal from a contract may be submitted for example in the form of an e-mail sent to:


  1. Detailed information on the possibility for the consumer to use out-of-court methods of handling complaints and asserting claims, as well as the rules of access to such procedures are made available at the offices and on the websites of the relevant government institutions and social organizations responsible for protection of consumers’ rights and interests in particular countries.
  2. The Service Provider informs that in the Republic of Poland consumers may find information on the available out-of-court methods of handling complaints and asserting claims at the offices and on the websites of, amongst others, poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, Voivodship Inspectorates of Trade Inspection and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection ( and
  3. An online platform for resolving disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs on the European Union level (ODR platform) is available at The ODR Platform is an interactive and multi-language webpage where consumers and entrepreneurs who want to resolve, without going to court, a dispute concerning contractual obligations arising from a contract of sale or contract for provision of services entered into online can receive comprehensive service.


  1. The Service Provider shall make every effort to ensure correct and uninterrupted operation of the Website and possibility to use the Electronic Services. Due to the level of complexity and intricacy of the Website and of the Electronic Services provided via the Website, and due to the existence of external factors that remain beyond the control of the Service Provider (e.g. DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks), errors and technical failures may nevertheless occur, which may prevent or limit in some way the operation of the Website and the possibility to use the Electronic Services provided via the Website. If that is the case, the Service Provider shall take any possible effort aimed at removing the failure within the shortest possible time and at limiting to the greatest possible extent the negative effects of such events.
  2. Apart from interruptions caused by errors and technical failures, maintenance breaks may take place as well, during which the Service Provider will take actions aimed at developing the Website and the Electronic Services provided via the Website, and at securing them against errors and technical failures. The Service Provider shall make every effort to make the inconvenience caused by possible maintenance breaks to Service Recipients as little as possible.
  3. The Service Provider shall plan the maintenance breaks, so that they cause as little inconvenience to the Service Recipients as possible. In particular, the Service Provider shall plan the maintenance breaks for the times of the day when the levels of traffic on the Website are the lowest (e.g. for night hours), and only for the time required for taking the necessary actions by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall inform the Service Recipients on the planned maintenance breaks at a suitable time in advance.
  4. The Service Provider shall not bear responsibility towards the Service Recipient for losses or for non-fulfillment of obligations arising from any errors or technical failures, or from maintenance breaks, as referred to in this Section 16 of the Rules and Regulations. However, this section of the Rules and Regulations does not exclude or limit the provided for in mandatory laws rights of a Service Recipient who is a consumer (or another natural person to whom regulations concerning consumers apply).


  1. Copyright and intellectual property rights to the Website as a whole and to its particular components, including contents, images, works, patterns and marks available on the Website, are held by the Service Provider or by other entitled third parties, and are protected under relevant provisions of the copyright law and of other generally applicable laws. The protection granted to the Website covers all forms of their expression.
  2. shall be treated similarly to any other copyright-protected work. The Service Recipient shall not copy the Website, except for situations where it is allowed under mandatory laws. The Service Recipient shall not modify, adapt, translate, decode, decompile, disassemble or try to determine in any other way the source code of the Website, except for situations where it is allowed under mandatory laws.
  3. The trademarks of the Service Provider and of third parties should be used in accordance with governing provisions of law.


  1. Due to the international character of, the Service Provider may make these Rules and Regulations available in multiple language versions. The Service Provider shall make sure that the translation of any version of the Rules and Regulations is of adequate quality, sufficient for making the Service Recipients familiar with the principles of using the Website. If there are discrepancies in the interpretation of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations, the original version of the Rules and Regulations made in the Polish language and available on the Website shall prevail.
  2. The Service Provider reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations where necessary or for important reasons, that is: changes in the law, addition of new Electronic Services or change in the currently provided ones; addition of or change in payment and delivery methods; change in the data of the Service Provider – to the extent to which such changes impact the implementation of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations.
    1. If contracts providing for continuous performance (e.g. a contract for using the Account Electronic Service) are entered into pursuant to these Rules and Regulations, the amended Rules and Regulations shall be binding upon the Service Recipient if the Service Recipient has been properly notified about the changes and did not terminate the contract within 14 calendar days from being notified. If an amendment to the Rules and Regulations results in an introduction of any new charges for using or in an increase in the currently applicable charges, the Service Recipient shall have the right to withdraw from the contract.
    2. If contracts of different character than contracts providing for continuous performance (e.g. a Contract of Sale) are entered into pursuant to these Rules and Regulations, amendments to the Rules and Regulations shall in no way infringe the rights acquired by the Service Recipients before the effective date of such amendments to the Rules and Regulations, and in particular amendments to these Rules and Regulations shall not impact contracts which have been already entered into, are being performed, or whose performance has been completed.
  3. Matters not regulated with these Rules and Regulations are governed by the provisions of generally applicable Polish laws.
  4. These Rules and Regulations shall not exclude regulations which are valid in the country where the abiding place of the consumer entering into a contract with the Service Provider is situated, and which cannot be excluded with a contract. If that is the case, the Service Provider guarantees to the consumer the protection granted to the consumer pursuant to the regulations which cannot be excluded with a contract.
Thank you for careful reading!
Should you have any questions, we remain at your disposal – contact us using the data provided in the beginning part of these Rules and Regulations.
We invite you to cooperate with us.
The Goldchess Team website privacy policy

Please, read this privacy policy carefully. This privacy policy specifies the rules of processing personal data collected and processed during the use of the Website.


  1. This privacy policy serves information purposes only, which means that it does not impose any obligations on the Service Recipients using the Website. The privacy policy contains first of all the rules of processing personal data by the Personal Data Controller on the Website, including the bases for personal data processing, the purposes and period of personal data processing, the rights of the data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools on the Website.
  2. The controller of the personal data collected through the Website is GLOBAL GUMPTION GAME KASZCZYNIEC SPÓŁKA KOMANDYTOWA (a limited partnership) with its registered office in Przecław (visiting address and address for correspondence: Przecław 150, 72-005 Przecław); entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS No. 0000390228; registry court where the company documents have been filed: Regional Court Szczecin - Centrum in Szczecin, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; NIP (tax identification number): 8513152452, REGON (statistical number): 321065896, e-mail:– 2. hereinafter referred to as “the Controller”, which at the same time is the Service Provider running the Website, the Organizer of the Games, and the Seller.
  3. 3. Personal data made available through the Website is processed by the Controller in accordance with governing provisions of the law, and in particular in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – hereinafter referred to as “GDPR” or “GDP Regulation.” The official text of the GDP Regulation is available at:
  4. 4. Using the Website, including participation in the Game, entering into Contracts of Sale, or using other functionalities of the Website, is voluntary. Similarly, the provision of personal data by a Service Recipient using the Website is voluntary, except for two cases: (1) entering into contracts with the Controller – non-provision, in the cases and within the scope specified on the Website, in the Website Rules and Regulations, and in this privacy policy, of personal data necessary for entering into and performing a Contract of Sale, a contract for provision of Electronic Services or another contract with the Administrator shall result in an impossibility to enter into such a contract. In the cases referred to above the provision of personal data is a contractual requirement and if the data subject wants to enter into a given contract with the Controller, the data subject is obliged to provide the required data. In each case the scope of data required for entering into a contract will be previously specified on the Website and in the Website Rules and Regulations; (2) fulfillment of the statutory obligations of the Controller – provision of the personal data is a statutory requirement arising from the generally applicable laws which impose on the Controller an obligation to process personal data (for example for bookkeeping purposes), and non-provision of personal data would prevent the Controller from fulfilling the said obligations.
  5. The Controller takes special care in order to protect the interests of the data subjects whose data is processed by the Controller, and in particular the Controller is responsible for making sure and guarantees that the data collected by the Controller is: (1) processed in a lawful manner; (2) collected for specified, legitimate purposes and not subject to further processing for other purposes; (3) correct in substance and adequate to the purposes for which it is processed; (4) kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for achieving the purpose of processing; and (5) processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.
  6. Taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the Controller shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure and to be able to demonstrate that processing is performed in accordance with the GDP Regulation. Those measures shall be reviewed and updated where necessary. The Controller shall use technical measures that prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying personal data sent by electronic means.
  7. All the capitalized words, expressions and acronyms used in this privacy policy (for example Service Provider, Website, Electronic Service) shall be understood in accordance with their definitions provided in the Website Rules and Regulations available on the Website.


  1. The Controller is authorized to process personal data if and to the extent that at least one of the following applies: (1) the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes; (2) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; (3) processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject; or (4) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.
  2. Processing of personal data by the Controller shall in each case require the existence of at least one of the bases specified in Section 2.1 of the privacy policy. Specific bases for processing by the Controller of the personal data of the Service Recipients using the Website have been specified in the following section of this privacy policy – in relation to a given purpose of processing personal data by the Controller.


  1. 1. In each case the purpose, basis and period of personal data processing, and the recipients of personal data processed by the Controller result from the actions taken by a given Service Recipient on the Website.
  2. 6. The Controller may process personal data on the Website for the following purposes, on the following bases, and within the following periods:
Purpose of data processing Legal basis for data processing Data storage period
Performance of a Contract of Sale, a contract for provision of an Electronic Service, or another contract, or taking steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into one of the aforementioned contracts. Article 6(1)(b) of the GDP Regulation (performance of a contract) – processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract Data is stored for the period necessary for the performance, termination or other type of expiry of the contract entered into.
Direct marketing Article 6(1)(f) of the GDP Regulation (legitimate interest pursued by the controller) – processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller – which consist in taking care of the interests and good image of the Controller and of the Website operated by the Controller, and in making efforts in order to provide Electronic Services and sell Products The data is stored for the time of existence of a legitimate interest pursued by the Controller, not longer, however, than throughout the limitation period that applies to Controller’s claims against the data subject which arise from the business activities conducted by the Controller. The limitation period is as prescribed in the law (the basic limitation period that applies to claims arising from conducted business activities is three years, and the basic limitation period that applies to Contracts of Sale is two years).
The Controller shall not process data for direct marketing purposes if the data subject has validly expressed an objection against such processing.
Bookkeeping Article 6(1)(c) of the GDP Regulation in relation to Article 74(2) of the Accounting Act, consolidated text of 30 January 2018 (Dz.U. {Journal of Laws} of 2018, item 395, as amended) – processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Controller is subject Data is stored for the period required under laws that impose on the Controller an obligation to store accounting books (5 years counted from the beginning of the year following the financial year covered by the data).
Establishment, exercise or defense against claims that may be brought by or against the Controller Article 6(1)(f) of the GDP Regulation (legitimate interest pursued by the controller) – processing is necessary for purposes that arise from legitimate interests of the Controller and consist in establishment, exercise or defense against claims that may be brought by or against the Controller Data is stored throughout the time of existence of a legitimate interest pursued by the Controller, for no longer, however, than the limitation period that applies to claims which may be brought against the Controller (the basic limitation period for claims against the Controller is six years).
Using the Website and ensuring its proper operation Article 6(1)(f) of the GDP Regulation (legitimate interest pursued by the controller) – processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller – which consist in operating and maintaining the Website The data is stored for the time of existence of a legitimate interest pursued by the Controller, not longer, however, than throughout the limitation period that applies to Controller’s claims against the data subject which arise from the business activities conducted by the Controller. The limitation period is as prescribed in the law (the basic limitation period that applies to claims arising from conducted business activities is three years).
Collecting statistics and analyzing traffic on the Website Article 6(1)(f) of the GDP Regulation (legitimate interest pursued by the controller) – processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller – which consist in collecting statistics and analyzing traffic on the Website with the aim to improve the Website operation and to increase the reach of offered Electronic Services and Products Controller. The limitation period is as prescribed in the law (the basic limitation period that applies to claims arising from conducted business activities is three years).


  1. In order to ensure proper operation of the Website, including proper provision of Electronic Services and performance of Contracts of Sale by the Controller, the Controller needs to use services rendered by third party entities (such as, for example, an entity processing payments, a software supplier). The Controller shall use solely services rendered by processing entities which provide sufficient guarantees of implementation of suitable technical and organizational measures, so that the processing meets the requirements of the GDP Regulation and protects the rights of data subjects.
  2. The Controller does not transfer data in each case or to all of the recipients or categories of recipients specified in the privacy policy – the Controller transfers data only where it is necessary for achieving a given purpose of personal data processing, and solely within the scope required for achieving that purpose.
  3. The Controller may transfer the personal data of Service Recipients using the Website to the following recipients or categories of recipients:
    1. entities handling electronic payments or payments made with payment cards – as regards Service Recipients who make electronic payments or payments with a payment card on the Website, the Controller makes the collected personal data of the Service Recipient available to the chosen entity handling the aforementioned payments on the Website upon commission from the Controller, within the scope required for handling the payment made by the Service Recipient.
    2. service providers which supply to the Controller technical, IT and organizational solutions that enable the Controller to conduct business activities, which include operating the Website and rendering Electronic Services provided via the Website (in particular suppliers of computer software for operating the Website, providers of e-mail and hosting services, and suppliers of software for managing the company and providing technical assistance to the Controller) – the Controller may make the collected personal data of a Service Recipient available to a chosen supplier or provider acting upon commission from the Controller solely in the event where it is necessary for achieving a given purpose of data processing and within the scope required for achieving that purpose, which must be in conformity with this privacy policy.
    3. providers of legal and consultancy services which provide legal or consulting support to the Controller (in particular law firms or debt collection companies) – the Controller may make the collected personal data of a Service Recipient available to a chosen provider acting upon commission from the Controller solely in the event where it is necessary for achieving a given purpose of data processing and within the scope required for achieving that purpose, which must be in conformity with this privacy policy.


  1. Right of access, right to rectification, restriction of processing, erasure, or data portability – the data subject has the right to demand from the Controller access to his/her personal data, its rectification, erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) or restriction of processing, has the right to object to processing, and has the right to data portability. Detailed terms and conditions of exercising the rights referred to above have been set out in Articles 15 through 21 of the GDP Regulation.
  2. Right to withdraw consent at any time – the data subject whose data is processed by the Controller on the basis of a given consent (pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) or Article 9(2)(a) of the GDP Regulation) has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
  3. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority – the data subject whose data is processed by the Controller has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the way and manner specified in the GDP Regulation.
  4. Right to object – the data subject has the right to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her which is based on point (e) (task carried out in the public interest) or (f) (legitimate interests pursued by the Controller) of Article 6(1), including profiling based on those provisions. If that is the case, the Controller shall no longer process the personal data unless the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
  5. Right to object concerning direct marketing – where personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.
  6. For the purpose of exercising the rights referred to in this section of the policy privacy you may contact the Controller by means of sending a relevant message by traditional or electronic mail to the Controller’s address specified in the beginning part of the privacy policy.


  1. Cookies are small bits of information in the form of text files sent by the server and saved on the side of the person visiting the Website (for example on a computer or laptop hard drive or on a smartphone memory card – depending on which device is used by the person visiting the Website). Detailed information on cookies and on their history can be found, for example, here:
  2. Cookies which may be sent by the Website can be broken down into various types according to the following criteria:
    The sender:
    1) first-party cookies (created by the Controller’s website) and
    2) third-party cookies (owned by parties other than the Controller)
    The time for which they are stored on the Website visitor’s device:
    1) session cookies (stored until the visitor logs out of the Website or quits the web browser) and
    2) persistent cookies (stored for a specified time defined with the parameters of each file or until they are deleted manually)
    The purpose:  
    1) strictly necessary cookies (enabling proper operation of the Website),
    2) functionality / preference cookies (enabling adjustment of the Website to the visitor’s preferences),
    3) analytical / performance cookies (collecting information on the ways of using the Website)
  3. The Controller may process the data saved in the cookie files during the use of the Website by visitors for the following specific purposes:
    Purposes of using cookies on the Website
    identifying Service Recipients as logged in the Website and showing that they have logged in (strictly necessary cookies)
    remembering Products added to the cart for the purpose of placing an Order (strictly necessary cookies)
    remembering data from completed forms, logins and passwords, as well as information provided in questionnaires on the Website (strictly necessary or functionality / preference cookies)
    adjusting the Website contents to individual preferences of a Service Recipient (e.g. concerning colors, font size, page layout) and optimizing the use of the Website (functionality / preference cookies)
    collecting anonymous statistics showing the ways of using the Website (analytical / performance cookies)
  4. To check in the most popular web browsers which cookies are sent at a given time by the Website (including their expiry times and senders), take the following steps:
    (1) click on the padlock icon on the left side of the address bar,
    (2) choose the ‘Cookies’ option.
    (1) click on the shield icon on the left side of the address bar,
    (2) click ‘Allowed’ or ‘Blocked’,
    (3) click the ‘Cross-site tracking cookies’, ‘Social media trackers’ or ‘Tracking content’ option
    Internet Explorer: 
    (1) click on the ‘Tools’ menu,
    (2) select the ‘Internet options’ tab,
    (3) select the ‘General’ tab,
    (4) select the ‘Settings’ tab,
    (5) click on the ‘Show files’ field.
    (1) click on the padlock icon on the left side of the address bar,
    (2) choose the ‘Cookies’ option.
    (1) click on the ‘Preferences’ menu,
    (2) select the ‘Privacy’ tab,
    (3) click on the ‘Manage Website Data’ button.
    Or it can be done irrespective of the web browser, with the use of tools available, for example, at: or at:
  5. As a standard, most web browsers available on the market accept storing cookies by default. You can define the conditions for using cookies with the use of the settings of your web browser. This means that you can disable cookies in part (e.g. temporarily) or in whole – in the latter case, however, some of the Website functionalities can be impacted.
  6. Cookie settings of the web browser are important from the perspective of consent to the reception of cookies from our Website – according to the law such a consent can be given also by means of choosing relevant settings in the web browser. Detailed information on how to change cookie settings and how to manually delete cookies in the most popular web browsers can be found in the help section of the relevant browser and on the following pages (just click the link):
  7. The Controller may use on the Website the Google Analytics and Universal Analytics services provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland). The aforementioned services help the Controller collect statistics and analyze traffic on the Website. The collected data is processed under the said services for the purpose of generating statistics that are useful for administering the Website and analyzing traffic on the Website. The data is of collective nature. While using the aforementioned services on the Website, the Controller collects data such as the sources and medium through which the Website visitors were acquired, behaviors of the visitors using the Website, information on the devices and web browsers used for visiting the Website, IP and domain, geographical data, demographical data (age, sex) and interests.
  8. 6. A user can easily block sharing with Google Analytics information about the user’s activity on the Website – for that purpose an add-on for the web browser can be installed, which is made available by Google Ireland Ltd. and can be downloaded here:


The Website may contain links to other web pages. The Controller encourages the visitors moving to other web pages to read the policy privacies applicable to such pages. This privacy policy applies only to the Website operated by the Controller.

Términos y Condiciones Generales de los juegos disponibles en


  • Para jugar en nuestro torneo es necesario inscribirse en el sitio web, descargar nuestro programa de ajedrez educativo y abonar la cuota de inscripción si el torneo es de pago.

  • En torneos con bolsas de premios superiores a 100.000 $, el Organizador podrá destinar hasta el 20% del premio de cada ganador a la Federación de Ajedrez de su país o a su club de ajedrez.
    Para premios menores, la Federación/Club del ganador recibirá una gratificación de Goldchess en una cantidad a discreción de Goldchess.
  • 2023-10-21. Sólo hay que inscribirse una vez en los torneos Diario (Daily) y de Nivel 1, y luego todos los inscritos tienen acceso activo y pueden jugar en los torneos posteriores.
  • Las normas de los torneos se describen en el reglamento y en la página de cada torneo.
  • A partir del 12 de noviembre de 2022, introduciremos el pago de premios a un tipo de cambio fijo del dólar frente al zloty, 1$=4 zloty polacos. Los pagos de los premios no se verán afectados por las variaciones del tipo de cambio del dólar con respecto a otras monedas. Se aplicará el tipo de cambio de Paypal para los pagos de la cuota de inscripción.

  • El tiempo delos torneos de Goldchess se aplicaa la zona CET, es decir, Hora Central Europea 
  • Al registrarme en este portal, acepto la normativa y consiento el tratamiento de mis datos personales para las necesidades del portal, por ejemplo, anuncio del ganador, envío del premio, etc.
  1. Términos y Condiciones Generales

    1.1 Estos Términos y Condiciones regulan la disponibilidad y el uso del sitio web

    1.2 El sitio web ofrece a los jugadores la oportunidad de resolver problemas de ajedrez en losJuegos que varían en dificultad, alcance y carácter. Las soluciones correctas de los problemas de ajedrez se recompensan. Las reglas de recompensación se establecen en los Términos y Condiciones Detallados de los juegos individuales.

    1.3. El Juego es un conjunto de problemas de ajedrez para resolver que se presentan a los Jugadores. Los Juegos pueden diferir en el número de problemas de ajedrez, su nivel de dificultad, las reglas para resolver problemas individuales y el tiempo de su resolución.

    1.4 El Jugador es la persona que se ha registrado en el sitio y ha pagado la inscripción (excepto los partidos gratuitos Gold0 y Genius Test) por participar en, al menos, un Juego seleccionado.
  2. Participación en el Juego

    2.1 Se puede participaren el Juegouna vez se registre en y pague la inscripción de, al menos, un Juegoseleccionado (excepto los juegos gratuitos que no requieren una licencia).

    2.2 La tarifa de inscripción para el juego se paga con tarjeta o con una cuenta de PayPal a través del sistema de transacciones Paypal.

    2.3 Al inscribirse al Juego, el Jugador declara que:
    • es mayor de edad,
    • se compromete a cumplir con las disposiciones de estos Términos y Condiciones y acepta sus disposiciones,
    • toda la información proporcionada durante el registro es completa, exacta, actual y no engaña al Organizador.

    2.4 Está permitido que un padre o tutor legal actúe en nombre de un jugador menor de edad.

    2.5 Un nombre (Goldchess User ID) elegido por el jugador no puede infringir los derechos de terceros. Si el Organizador considera que el nombre del jugador es inapropiado, GGG se reserva el derecho de rechazarlo y solicitar al jugador que lo cambie.

    2.6 Durante el registro, se le pide al Jugador que proporcione los datos personales obligatorios en el formulario. El jugador es responsable de la exactitud de los datos proporcionados durante el registro.

    2.7 El Organizador asume que todas las actividades que tienen lugar después de registrarse en el Portal con el usodel Goldchess User IDy la contraseña apropiada son el resultado de las acciones del Jugador adecuado y, por lo tanto, son válidas. El Organizador no será responsable de ningún daño resultante del uso no autorizado de los datos del Jugador.

    2.8. Los datos personales del Jugador se consideran confidenciales y son utilizados por el Organizador solo para fines relacionados con el Juego. Al aceptar los Términos y Condiciones, el Jugador está de acuerdo con ponerlo en la lista de ganadores. En casos excepcionales, a solicitud expresa del Jugador, el Organizador podrá permitir que solo el apodo del Jugador se ponga en la lista de ganadores.

    2.9 Después de efectuar el pago por la participación en el torneo, el Jugador podrá descargar posiciones delos problemas.

    2.10 Un jugador que participa en el Juego no podrá cambiar la configuración del programa de ajedrez CEEC y, en particular, el nivel de dificultad del juego. El CEEC tiene 23 niveles de dificultad. Los jugadores juegan en Goldchess en el nivel 5.
  3. Reglas generales de los Juegos

    3.1 Los juegos de Goldchess consisten en resolver problemas de ajedrez, es decir, hacer jaque mate o ganar (victory – el programa se da por vencido) una vez hecho un cierto número de movimientos y de la manera especificada por el Organizador. El contenido del problema se presenta junto con la posición.

    3.2 El jugador resuelve problemas de ajedrez jugando en su propioordenadordespués de instalar el programa de ajedrez Chess Elite EducationalComputer, provisto por el Organizador (se necesita solo el sistema operativo WINDOWS). Para los jugadores con ordenadores Mac, el Organizador ofrece un programa gratuito, disponible en la sección "Educación", que permite abrir el programa de ajedrez CEEC-Windows en las aplicaciones de Mac OS, es decir, principalmente, en losordenadores Macintosh de Apple. 

    3.3 Las soluciones de problemas de ajedrez son guardados por los Jugadores directamente en el portal, en el panel del juego seleccionado, en la pestaña "Guardar", después de guardar la solución en su propioordenador,en un archivo generado por el programa CEEC (Menu/File/Save as), con la extensión pgn (.pgn).La solución se guarda en el portal con una precisión de una milmillonésima de segundo.

    3.4 En cada torneo, los Jugadores tienen un tiempo límite para resolver el problema.

    3.5 Un problema no resuelto dentro del período previsto podrá estar reemplazado o transferido al siguiente periodo por el organizador. También sepodrá duplicar o aumentar el premio en tal caso.

    3.6 El organizador examinará la corrección de las soluciones de ajedrez en el orden en que llegan, en un plazo no mayor a 48 horas desde el momento de su envío. La información sobre los ganadores se anunciarán, a más tardar, el sábado cada semana.

    3.7 En el caso de un pequeño número de jugadores en un juego determinado, el Organizador podrá (después del torneo) reducir la cantidad de bolsa de premios, posponer el torneo a una fecha posterior, o cerrar el juego. En caso de cerrar el juego, el Organizador reembolsará la tarifa de inscripción a los jugadores.

    3.8 Unas soluciones más rápidas en todos los juegosserán bienvenidas y reconocidas. Si hay un requisito, por ejemplo, un jaque mate forzado en el 5º movimiento, y el jugador envía taljaque mate un o varios movimientos más rápido, entonces su solución será reconocida, siempre que no haya ningún defecto(ver punto 4.5.1 de los Términos y Condiciones)

    3.9 Descalificación de la solución.
    La solución enviadapodrá no ser reconocida en los siguientes casos:
    1. Cuando el tiempo límite ha expirado.
    2. Si el controlador de Goldchess muestra una actualización de la variante en la prueba o acorta la solución enviadaen un movimiento.
    En este caso, nuestra solución abreviada o más rápida de un jugador se aplica a todas las soluciones no originales.
    3. En casos especiales, la solución y el jugador o jugadores pueden ser descalificados.

    3.10. El Organizador podráno considerar soluciones enviadas cuyas posiciones se hayan descargado con un retraso significativo o después del final del juego.

    3.11 El organizador podrá modificar el conjunto de tareas antes de que comience el torneo.

    3.12 Licencia adquirida (cuota de inscripción pagada) no es reembolsable. En situaciones justificadas, el Organizador podrá canjearla por la participación en otro torneo.
  4. Premios

    4.1 Los premios se ganarán por los jugadores que cumplan con las disposiciones establecidas en los Términos y Condiciones de los juegos individuales. En particular, el premio se otorgará al jugador que sea el primero en guardar en el portal, en el panel de su juego, la solución correcta del problema.
    Si no hay solucióndel autor entre las soluciones enviadas, el Organizador podrá elegir y recompensar la mejor solución enviada.

    4.2 El pago del premio al ganador se realiza en la cuenta bancaria indicada por el mismo, o en la cuenta de Paypal.

    4.3 Los premios están garantizados. El Organizador puede proporcionar una garantía bancaria en el portal. El valor del premio se define como el valor bruto.

    4.4 El premio se paga como un valor neto que incluye deducciones resultantes de las regulaciones fiscales aplicables a la sede del Organizador (menos el 10% del impuesto sobre premios), dentro de los 14 días hábiles posteriores al final de la ronda.

    4.5 El organizador se reserva el derecho de no pagar el premio al primer jugador si la solución ha sido falsificado por este. En tal caso, el siguiente jugador, que haya enviado la solución correcta, recibirá el premio. Se considera que la solución sea falsificada en la situación en que el jugador indique un movimiento de programa de ajedrez diferente al que realmente hizodicho programa en el curso de la resolución del problema.

    4.5.1 Si un jugador envía una solución diferente a la del autor,con el número requerido de movimientos, y la verificación (comprobación de la autenticidad de los movimientos de CEEC indicados por el jugador en varios ordenadores independientes) muestra que, en una posición específica, el CEEC juega de forma alternativa,haciendo alternativamente dos movimientos diferentes al defenderse, entonces, el jugador deberá presentar ambas soluciones con el número requerido de movimientos en ambas variantes para poder recibir el premio

    4.5.2 Dependiendo del número de participantes, el Organizador podrá aumentar o disminuir la bolsa de premios.

    4.6 Las decisiones del Organizador con respecto a la verificación de la corrección de los problemas de ajedrez son finales. En caso de duda, los jugadores tienen derecho a presentar una reclamación que será examinada.

    4.7. El organizador podrá dividir el premio entre dos jugadores:unoque envíe una solución diferente a la del autor y el otro que envíe una solución idéntica a la del autor.

    4.8 En ausencia de la solución del autor, el Organizador podráotorgar al jugador que sea el primero en enviar una solución correcta diferente, conel número de movimientos requerido o menor, un premio con el valor a discreción de GGG. Las soluciones no autora se recompensan hasta un máximo de la mitad del premio actual

    4.9 Si el ganador proporciona datosinexactos de la cuenta bancaria y se realiza un reembolso, el premio no se transferirá nuevamente.

    4.10 El Organizador podráno reconocer la solución enviada en el caso de que la posición se descargue más tarde que en el primer minuto.
  5. Provisiones finales

    5.1 El Organizador no será responsable del funcionamiento incorrecto del programa de ajedrez CEEC y, en particular, de que dicho programa haga un movimiento distinto del en el problema del autor en una posición específica. Si el ordenador realiza otra jugada que impida al jugador resolver la tarea correctamente, se le compensará, accediendo a la siguiente edición de este torneo.

    5.2 Wszelkie zapytania gracze wysyłają na adres e-mail

    5.3 El organizador se reserva el derecho de modificar y complementar los Términos y Condiciones Generales de los juegos de Goldchess y los Términos y Condiciones Detalladosde cada uno de los juegos, en caso de circunstancias nuevas e imprevistas.

    5.4 Para los asuntos no regulados por este contrato, se aplicarán las regulaciones legales aplicables a la sede del Organizador.

    5.5 Todos los litigios legales relacionados con los juegos disponibles en serán resueltas por un juzgadocompetente para la sede del Organizador.

    5.6 En caso de litigios,La versión de los Términos y CondicionesGenerales y los Términos y CondicionesDetallados de los juegos individuales que prevalece es la versión elaborada en polaco.

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En el torneo del Campeonato del Mundo, introducimos una regla de porcentaje para la asistencia nacional. (Número de jugadores respecto a la población total de un país). Sólo los ajedrecistas del país con el mayor porcentaje de participantes en el campeonato jugarán por el premio más alto. Los demás jugarán por premios menores proporcionalmente. Los ajedrecistas del país con menos participantes jugarán por el 3% del premio.
Esta regla puede aplicarse a cualquier otro torneo Goldchess.

*En un torneo del Campeonato del Mundo, se puede utilizar este Reglamento o el Reglamento B.

Reglamento A


Se refiere a un conjunto en el que cada tarea sucesiva comienza con un movimiento diferente.


Las tareas se harán secuencialmente. Si un participante del torneo realiza una antes y con un primer movimiento diferente al nuestro, reconoceremos la solución siempre que sea otro movimiento diferente al anterior. Si se utiliza la misma jugada para iniciar cualquiera de las soluciones posteriores, ese jugador podrá volver a utilizar esa jugada. Esto también se aplica en particular a la primera partida.

1. Cualquiera puede jugar en el Campeonato (condición - tener un ordenador).
 Para jugar en el campeonato hay que registrarse, descargar nuestro programa de ajedrez (el oponente de todos), activarlo a la versión completa (ver archivo - códigos) y pagar la cuota de inscripción.
Aficionados hasta 2000 Elo. Profesionales por encima de 2000 Elo.

2. Los campeones del mundo y los 100 mejores ajedrecistas del mundo (previa inscripción por correo electrónico a podrán jugar gratis y fuera de la competición (pagando también fuera de la competición - no juegan por premios).  Sólo participarán en el reparto de premios si no hay 3 ganadores del grupo "resto del mundo".

3. Los participantes que resuelvan correctamente 1 partida en el tiempo dado, y luego la siguiente, el sistema entrará automáticamente en una nueva lista para la siguiente ronda. Los demás serán descartados.

*Círculo de supervivencia

Cualquier participante que no envíe la solución de la partida 1, 2 ó 3, o que la envíe después del tiempo límite (y entonces no esté en la nueva lista), podrá seguir jugando siempre que vuelva a pagar la cuota de inscripción. La cuota de inscripción sólo podrá abonarse cuando se muestre el tablero de la nueva ronda.

Cada persona podrá utilizar el salvavidas una sola vez. En caso de que alguno de estos participantes con cuenta (-1) gane o se encuentre entre los premiados, el Organizador podrá reducir el importe del premio (hasta un 50%). El Organizador podrá asignar el importe así obtenido a otros ganadores, en particular aficionados.

4. Después de la 1ª ronda (y de cada ronda posterior), los participantes que hayan enviado soluciones correctas y hayan pasado a la siguiente ronda aparecerán en -Mi cuenta- con la posición de la segunda tarea (posterior). También se mostrará a los participantes que vuelvan a pagar la cuota de inscripción.

5. Comienzo a las 15:00 CET. La ronda 2 tendrá lugar aproximadamente entre 30 minutos y una hora después del final de la ronda 1, dependiendo del número de soluciones enviadas que deban comprobarse. Las horas de inicio de las siguientes partidas se mostrarán en la página del torneo, como mínimo 10 minutos antes de la hora de inicio.
3 días antes del comienzo del torneo, el organizador podrá cambiar la hora de comienzo a la más conveniente para los ajedrecistas del país o zona (por ejemplo, Europa) de donde se hayan inscrito la mayoría de los participantes.

6. Premios
Torneo a 5 rondas. El ganador es el participante del torneo con el mejor tiempo total de 5 soluciones correctas enviadas. Si hay un ganador, éste recibirá el premio íntegro.

En el caso de 2 ganadores, el premio se repartirá entre 60-40.000 $, en el caso de 3 ganadores entre 55-30-15.000 $. También premiaremos al primer amateur (ranking hasta 2000 Elo) si queda fuera de los 3 primeros ganadores con su tiempo total. Se le otorgará entonces el título de Campeón del Mundo Amateur de Ajedrez de Goldchess. La distribución de los premios será la siguiente $45 000-$25 000, 2 x $15 000.

*Los premios citados son brutos, se pagarán en un plazo de 7 días, o a más tardar en el plazo de un mes a partir de la fecha del torneo con una deducción del 10% del impuesto sobre premios aplicable en el país del organizador, y del 20% para la Federación del país del ganador (opcional).

*Premio especial.

El participante cuyo sistema registre 10 000 recibirá un premio especial de 10 000 USD.

Una vez que se hayan inscrito 9.000 participantes, la lista se ocultará para nuevas inscripciones. Los jugadores podrán pagar la cuota de inscripción e inscribirse, el sistema los registrará en el torneo, sólo que no serán visibles en la lista. La lista se mostrará y se cerrará cuando haya un participante con el número 10 000. Los demás jugadores que quieran jugar podrán seguir inscribiéndose. Obtendrán el estatus de jugador de pleno derecho, con una excepción, no aparecerán en la lista. Sólo aparecerán en la lista cuando envíen la solución correcta a la primera partida y pasen a la ronda 2.

Si no hay 10 000 participantes, se anulará el premio.

7. En caso de que no haya ganador, el organizador podrá ordenar una prórroga, luego una prórroga con la revelación de la siguiente jugadas una solución, en ambos casos con cambio de premio, o dar por finalizado el torneo (anuncio en la página del torneo y en -Resultados).

8. Técnica del juego, ver reglas del torneo Inmortal (punto.8).

*Registro de posiciones. La posición de cada tarea tiene un nombre específico. Por ejemplo MS1, MS2. Una vez tengas la solución, la guardas donde tengas la posición, en la carpeta -Descargado, cambiando el contenido añadiendo tu nick o nombre de correo electrónico. Ej: MS1-Bingo, MS2-John Smith. No cambiamos la extensión (.pgn). A continuación, en -Mi cuenta, hacemos clic en el botón -Guardar/Enviar- de este lote, seleccionamos el archivo de la solución desde la -Localización descargada- y hacemos clic en el botón -Guardar-. La solución se ha subido al torneo. Las soluciones enviadas se clasifican según su tiempo de solución, calculado desde el momento en que se descarga el elemento, hasta que la solución se guarda en nuestro servidor. Nuestro reloj registra el tiempo de la solución con una precisión de una milmillonésima de segundo.

9. Si el contenido de la manga se da en términos generales (mate, victoria, empate) en la página web del torneo, el contenido completo de la manga aparecerá cuando se recupere la partida.

10. El torneo también podrá aplicar las disposiciones pertinentes del Reglamento Principal, u otros Reglamentos específicos de otros juegos.

Reglamento B
*La Regulación B puede aplicarse a cualquier torneo.
Reglas simples


Se refiere a un conjunto en el que, a partir de la misma posición, cada tarea sucesiva comienza con un movimiento diferente.
El orden de resolución es arbitrario. Si un participante en un torneo gana una tarea más rápido de lo establecido en su contenido y con un jugada diferente a la nuestra, puede volver a utilizar esta jugada en otra tarea (que comience con esta jugada).

1. Al participante en el torneo se le da una posición desde la que ganar 3-5 partidas según las condiciones dadas y el tiempo para ganarlas y salvarlas. El orden de resolución es arbitrario.
Reglas de juego
2. No se envían partidas sueltas. El registro de soluciones en -Mi Cuenta- sólo podrá iniciarse cuando ya dispongamos de un juego completo de soluciones. 
Las soluciones enviadas después del tiempo límite se acreditarán al participante del torneo si escribe al menos una solución antes de que expire el tiempo límite y las demás hasta 5 minutos después del tiempo límite. El tiempo del jugador es siempre la hora a la que se presentó la última solución.
3. Para los 1-5 mejores jugadores, el organizador podrá añadir una final de 2-3 tareas. Sólo respetamos las soluciones propias de los participantes en el torneo.
Preferimos las soluciones originales. El organizador también puede reconocer una solución diferente, en tantos movimientos como la nuestra, o una más rápida, que cumpla las condiciones establecidas en la tarea. Esto también puede implicar una reducción del importe del premio. 
4. Gana el jugador que envíe todas las soluciones correctas en el mejor tiempo.  Premiamos de 3 a 5 ganadores.
El párrafo aplicable. 6 del Reglamento A, *Premio especial.
Disposiciones finales
5. Además de las reglas anteriores, el torneo puede regirse por las Reglas principales u otras reglas específicas de otros juegos.


Términos y condiciones del torneo Win Faster

Reglas del torneo

1. Desde el principio, el torneo está abierto sin interrupción. Una vez pagada la cuota de inscripción, juegas directamente, o puedes empezar el torneo más tarde, en cualquier momento. 

2. Cada edición dura 1 mes. El organizador puede cambiar el ciclo a semanal, o cualquier otro.

3. Para jugar, regístrate en nuestra página web, descarga el programa de ajedrez y paga la cuota de inscripción.

 A continuación, tienes que descargar cada posición por turnos, ganar la jugada más rápido de lo que te indiquemos y enviarnos la solución más rápida de cada partida antes de que expire el tiempo de solución. Para el envío - véase el punto 8 del Top del torneo. Las soluciones enviadas después del tiempo límite no serán aceptadas.

4. Gana el jugador que envíe la solución más rápida en el mejor tiempo o, si hay más de una, en el mejor tiempo total.

El tiempo de solución se cuenta automáticamente desde que se recupera el objeto hasta que se envía la solución.

Los resultados se anuncian al final de cada mes (semana, si se aplica un ciclo semanal).

Actualmente hay 4 juegos (dos en la tercera tarea).

5. Hay una partida sorpresa con un error en el torneo, que sin duda puede acortarse con una jugada. Dicha partida se publicará de nuevo en cada torneo posterior. Si nadie la descubre, el Organizador podrá repetir la partida sin cambios o modificada.

6. Premios

Por ganar una partida más rápido que nosotros, hay un premio - una entrada al torneo Immortal de $50 (no se aplica al juego con error).

Por ganar dos partidas de la misma manera, hay un premio de una entrada al torneo Immortal más 50$ en metálico.

Por ganar 3 partidas más rápido, 500 $.

Por ganar 4 partidas más rápido, $1000 de premio.

7. Además de las reglas anteriores, el torneo -Gana más rápido- se regirá por las Reglas Generales de las Reglas Principales, o cualquier otra Regla específica de otros juegos.


Términos y condiciones del torneo Inmortal + Gold Inmortal

Reglas del torneo New Immortal (con 5000 $ de premio)

1.Un torneo eliminatorio, que consta de 3 partidas y 3 rondas consecutivas. La duración prevista del torneo, incluyendo los descansos entre rondas, es de aproximadamente 1,5 horas.

2.El ganador será el participante del torneo que envíe las 3 soluciones correctas consecutivamente, cada una antes del tiempo permitido para resolver.
*En caso de que haya dos o más ganadores, el premio se repartirá.

3. No hay premio por resolver dos juegos en este torneo, pero en casos especiales se podrá conceder un premio por un importe fijado por el Organizador.

4. Si el contenido de las tareas se da en términos generales en la página web del torneo (mate, gana, sortea), el contenido completo de la tarea aparecerá cuando se descargue la partida.

5. Los participantes que no envíen una solución correcta a la primera o segunda partida serán eliminados del torneo. Los que avancen serán inscritos automáticamente en una nueva lista para la siguiente ronda.

6. Después de las rondas 1 y 2, los participantes que hayan avanzado y estén en la lista son añadidos por el sistema en -Mi Cuenta- la posición de la siguiente tarea.

7. Se garantiza un premio de 5000$ para 300 participantes. El torneo se celebra si hay un mínimo de 10 participantes. Entonces juegan por un premio mínimo de 250 $.

8. técnica de juego.

1 Pague la cuota de inscripción.

Una vez que haya pagado su cuota de inscripción, el sistema le pondrá en la lista y las posiciones del torneo se guardarán en -Mi Cuenta. Allí, cada posición de juego tiene 2 botones: Descargar y Guardar/Enviar. Al hacer clic (justo en el momento de empezar) en el botón -Descargar-, la partida se guardará con extensión .pgn, en la carpeta -Descargas- de tu ordenador. Haga doble clic sobre ella con el botón izquierdo del ratón y se abrirá en el escritorio de su ordenador en el programa de ajedrez CEEC. Ya está listo para jugar. El tiempo de solución de cada jugador se cuenta desde el momento en que se descarga la posición.

2. Gane como se especifica en la tarea. Después de ganar, haga clic en -Archivo-Guardarnos en el tablero CEEC, luego guarde la solución en la carpeta -Descargado, bajo un título diferente al de la posición. A continuación, vaya a -Mi cuenta, haga clic allí en el botón -Guardar/Enviar- para este juego, seleccione el archivo de solución de -Descargado y haga clic en el botón -Guardar. Su archivo de solución será subido a nosotros.

9. *Si ningún participante en el torneo resuelve la tarea de la primera partida, el Organizador se reserva el derecho de no divulgar su solución como valiosa propiedad intelectual de Goldchess.

Esta regla también se aplica a las partidas 2 y 3.

10. Las disposiciones pertinentes del Reglamento Principal, u otros Reglamentos específicos de otros juegos, también pueden aplicarse en el torneo.


Reglamento del curso

*El curso es una selección de debutantes blancos y negros con una demostración de cómo ganarlos. Un mínimo de conocimientos, pero concretos. Todas las piezas, desconocidas en el mundo, son propiedad intelectual nuestra.

*Al comprar el curso, el comprador se compromete a no transmitirlo a nadie. Este es nuestro secreto y el secreto de su éxito.

*Para los jugadores que ya hayan alcanzado cierto éxito y necesiten nuevos debuts, realizaremos sucesivamente nuevas actualizaciones por un módico precio.

*Al mismo tiempo, estipulamos que no somos responsables de posibles pérdidas de un ajedrecista que juegue nuestros debuts. Alguien siempre puede jugar diferente o mejor. Sólo podemos añadir aquí que encontrar una defensa eficaz contra nuestras variantes es difícil y pocos lo harán.

Por lo tanto, no prevemos ninguna queja (se aceptarán y considerarán observaciones relacionadas con el contenido, indicando posibles correcciones, por correo electrónico a ni reembolsos por un curso una vez adquirido. (Para cuestiones de litigio, véanse las Normas principales del sitio web Goldchess, punto 5.5).

*El comprador del curso certifica que acepta las reglas anteriores.

*Las variantes del modelo de curso pueden utilizarse varias veces, en varios torneos y contra varios oponentes consecutivos.

*Para comprar el curso, debes registrarte en nuestra web y pagar el curso en la página en la casilla -Curso-.

Una vez pagado, recibirás una única entrada al curso, donde podrás descargar la versión en inglés, español o polaco.

*Después de comprar el curso, le enviaremos por correo electrónico un código para participar en el torneo Inmortal con un premio de 300 $. Si gana el torneo, tendrá el curso gratis.

El curso está disponible en 3 versiones lingüísticas: inglés, español y polaco.
Juegos de transcripción del curso en todas las versiones en inglés.

Reglamento Torneo Challenge

1. Cualquiera puede jugar en el torneo (condición - tener un ordenador). Se puede jugar pagando la cuota de inscripción o inscribiéndose gratuitamente. Los participantes que hayan pagado la cuota de inscripción juegan por los premios, los demás juegan por el reconocimiento.

(2) La bolsa de premios es de 6000 $ y se premia a los 3 primeros. El primer clasificado gana 3.000 $, el segundo 2.000 $ y el tercero 1.000 $.
Hay un premio especial de 250 $ para el primer jugador que envíe cualquiera de las soluciones 1, 2 o 3 partidas un jugada más rápido que nosotros.

(3) El ganador será el participante del torneo que envíe 3 (5) soluciones correctas en el menor tiempo total y cada una antes de que finalice el tiempo asignado para su solución.

El segundo y tercer puesto también se determinan por el tiempo total de las soluciones enviadas. No se aceptarán las soluciones enviadas fuera de plazo. 4. Ganadores

(4) Si no hay ganadores, el organizador podrá conceder premios a su discreción a los participantes que hayan enviado 4 soluciones correctas.

(5) Para las técnicas de juego, consulte las reglas del torneo Inmortal (punto 8).

(6) Si el contenido de la tarea no aparece en la página web del torneo, aparecerá cuando se descargue la partida. Por favor, cópielo y guárdelo.

(7) El torneo también puede utilizar las reglas pertinentes de las Reglas Principales, u otras reglas específicas de otros juegos.