Grandmaster Corner
1. Chess program CEEC
2. Position
Content of the task:
No login. Only for registered Games-solutions See 1stEP
Grandmaster Corner Contest
Currently on GC games of the world champion, Ding Liren. Every Sunday at 4 pm CET.
The chess player's task in this competition is to win from a given position, a game lost by the master.
Download our chess programme, position, play and win! You won't play from your phone here. PC only - laptop (Windows, Mac Os). For a solution sent after the deadline, for the first one, a token prize, $5-$10.
Competition 15 September
Not solved. You can try. Original game in Results, position after white's 30th move.
Competition 8 September
For a solution sent after the deadline, for the first one, a token prize, $5-$10.
March 2023 Competition in the Grandmaster's Corner
In 2016, at the Mieczyslaw Najdorf tournament in Warsaw, a little boy named Maciej Czopor received the prize for the most beautiful game in tournament B from us. He was 12 years old at the time. Today, as a 19-year-old youngster, he played in the Cambridge International Open tournament. He finished it in a good 14th place, 5 games won and 2 lost. We took them for analysis and won in fine style... They will be in the March edition of the Grandmaster Corner Competition.
5th March, 16:00. Mate 43 and mate 44 (various continuations). You play black (Open position-Play-Play black). Time to solve 25 minutes. Prize $20.
Lovers of beautiful chess are invited.
(Pictured in the middle is Maciej. On the left, Brazilian grandmaster Alex Fier, also a prize-winner, in tournament A, on the right, the then patron of the Goldchess portal, grandmaster Alexander Miśta)
- Download and install the chess playing software, input the codes to obtain the full version.
- The solution in the CEEC file, with the pgn extension, will send to, with the "GM Corner" in the subject of e-mail.