Grandmaster Corner


chess figures on podium

1. Chess program CEEC

2. Position

Content of the task:

No login. Only for registered            Games-solutions           See 1stEP

Grandmaster Corner Contest 

Currently on GC games of the world champion, Ding Liren. Every Sunday at 4 pm CET.
The chess player's task in this competition is to win from a given position, a game lost by the master.
Download our chess programme, position, play and win! You won't play from your phone here. PC only - laptop (Windows, Mac Os). For a solution sent after the deadline, for the first one, a token prize, $5-$10.

Competition 22 September
Norway Chess 2024
Ding Liren-Nakamura 0-1
We started to implement our game plan in a difficult position, but with a concrete vision and a light in the tunnel. 
And we succeeded.
Content of the task: winning in 45 moves
Prize $10, time to solve 10 minutes.

Competition 15 September
Sinquefield Cup August 19-28
Vachier Lagrave-Ding Liren 1-0
Task content: you play black. Win on move 47 and mate on move 60.
There is only one way to win... We were wrong. Entrants found 2 other ways to win...
Prize $20 (15 minutes to solve), prize $10 (20 minutes to solve)

Not solved. You can try. Original game in Results, position after white's 30th move.
Competition 8 September
Sinquefield Cup August 19-28
Firouzia-Ding Liren 1-0
Task content: you play black. The final diamonds of this game. The fastest mate, on the 41st move with the capture of the queen, and the mate on the 47th, with the knight.
Prize $20 (15 minutes to solve), prize $10 (20 minutes to solve)

Competition 1 September
Sinquefield Cup August 19-28
Firouzia-Ding Liren 1-0
Task content: you play black. 4 tasks, draw on move 52, win on move 51, mate on move 52 and mate on move 54 with capture of all pieces.
Prize $100 (20 minutes to solve), prize $50 (30 minutes to solve)
For a solution sent after the deadline, for the first one, a token prize, $5-$10.

March 2023 Competition in the Grandmaster's Corner

 In 2016, at the Mieczyslaw Najdorf tournament in Warsaw, a little boy named Maciej Czopor received the prize for the most beautiful game in tournament B from us. He was 12 years old at the time. Today, as a 19-year-old youngster, he played in the Cambridge International Open tournament. He finished it in a good 14th place, 5 games won and 2 lost. We took them for analysis and won in fine style... They will be in the March edition of the Grandmaster Corner Competition.

5th March, 16:00. Mate 43 and mate 44 (various continuations). You play black (Open position-Play-Play black). Time to solve 25 minutes. Prize $20.
Lovers of beautiful chess are invited.

(Pictured in the middle is Maciej. On the left, Brazilian grandmaster Alex Fier, also a prize-winner, in tournament A, on the right, the then patron of the Goldchess portal, grandmaster Alexander Miśta)





  1. Download and install the chess playing software, input the codes to obtain the full version.
  2. The solution in the CEEC file, with the pgn extension, will send to, with the "GM Corner" in the subject of e-mail.